Criminal Record Check

Whole Application service

UK Fingerprint will handle the whole process for an Identity History Summary in the USA for you, including multiple sets of fingerprints

Corporate Fingerprinting London

Identity History Summary / Criminal Record Check

A unique service whereby we handle the whole application process to obtain an identity History Summary (Criminal Records check) from the USA for you, including:

  • Taking multiple sets of fingerprints on official FD-258 form (spare copies are taken in the event they are misplaced by the FBI)
  • Despatch by DHL to the FBI
  • Payment of all regulatory fees
  • Despatch and return of certificate
  • We can, should you so wish, attend at your office or home, or meet with you at one of our London or Surrey sites.

    To make an appointment, telephone office on:
    London: 020 7158 0332
    Surrey: 01483 200999
    Hants: 02380 308274
    or email

    Fingerprint Services in London and UK

    "Fingerprinting with Excellence"

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