
Blackmail resolved by Fingerprinting

Corporate Fingerprinting London

We are frequently asked to deal with issues of Blackmail resulting from threats of exposure or extortion arising from knowledge of an incidence that an individual would rather remain confidential. While blackmail is a criminal offence it is unfortunately often the case that contacting the police may result in the reasons for the blackmail becoming publicly known. Threatening letters may retain evidential fingerprints and emails may be tracked through the use of computer forensics

Blackmail Letters:

  • Letters may be treated to see if they reveal fingerprints
  • Locations such as an office or hotel room may contain identifiable fingerprints
  • Comparison may be made to items that a suspect may have touched
  • Sensitive Issues:

    Many causes of blackmail need, by their very nature, to be sensitively handled. We have handled many cases deriving from, e.g. legal adult social practices and the public threat of exposure on the internet. It is likely that use of fingerprint techniques will need to be coupled with other investigative disciplines. The first action to take is to talk to us, in confidence and explore how we can help

    Hate mail and Malicious letters can be forensically examined for fingerprints and, combined with investigative work, be used to identify the culprit and bring them to book

    fingerprinting malicious mail

    Whether in the workplace or the home, theft leaves issues of doubt & mistrust. Proving theft from fingerprinting not only identifies the culprit, it clears the innocent

    proving theft by Fingerprinting

    In any workplace suspicion of theft, sabotage or other misdemeanour may fall upon the organisation's employees. Print analysis will identify the perpetrator & may result in prosecution

    Fingerprint Services in London and UK

    "Fingerprinting with Excellence"

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