
Good Conduct Certificate

Whole Application Service

In addition to taking your fingerprints to obtain a Good Conduct certificate from Bahrain we will handle the rest of the quite complex application for you, often being able to speed the process up and get the Certificate returned quicker

Bahrain Fingerprinting London

Good Conduct Certificate

Our thorough Enhanced Service package for Bahrain takes care of every aspect, including:

  • Taking multiple sets of fingerprints (with copies held in reserve in the event of loss by the Bahraini authorities)
  • completeion of all official application forms
  • Certifying relevant documents
  • All regulatory payments
  • Despatch by courier and monitoring of transit
  • Chasing and monitoring application when with Bahraini authorities
  • Return of certificate to you
  • The process can be undertaken in one of our offices or at your residence / place of work

    To start the process, make a telephone call to:
    London: 020 7158 0332
    Surrey: 01483 200999
    Hants: 02380 308274
    or email

    Fingerprint Services in London and UK

    "Fingerprinting with Excellence"

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